Our members include professional advisors, property agents, operators and investors. In addition, we organise a programme of events under our LPFXtra offer, which is a free tailored membership offering the next generation of young professionals an opportunity to benefit from all that the LPF offers.

Meet the LPF Committee

Meet the LPFXtra Committee

Our mission is to provide a forum for like-minded professionals. You can read our Mission, Vision & Values below. Members enjoy valuable, interesting and engaging content at our webinars and seminars, as well as the opportunity to form useful alliances and relationships with colleagues and peers across the leisure property sector. Our events offer the chance to keep abreast of current trends and latest news in the industry.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss how membership would be of value to you and your business. Call our membership team on 0207 993 4834 or email – info@leisurepropertyforum.co.uk

Our Mission


To deliver exceptional value through useful and relevant networking events.

To provide cutting edge and insightful content.

To bring together people across our sector to do business.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be recognised as the go-to property networking forum in the UK for anyone in leisure property.

Our Values

Aspirational – striving for value to all our members in every decision we take.

Expansive – welcoming, relaxed, encouraging diversity, communicative and encouraging the next generation (LPFXtra).

Listening – providing a forum which supports our members in ways they tell us are helpful.

Responsible – ensuring that the forum is well run, financially viable and has a sustainable future.

Collaborative – searching out opportunities to foster wider relationships that our members will find valuable.

If you would like to find out more about joining the Leisure Property Forum (LPF) please call our membership team on 0207 993 4834 or visit our membership page here.