The Cinema Sector – Life after Covid: a new normal?

Wednesday 20th October 2021
The Cinema Sector – Life after Covid: a new normal?


Amanda Nevill CBE

Amanda Nevill CBE

International Consultant on the Screen Industries

David Hancock

David Hancock

Chief Analyst, Media and Entertainment, Omdia

Sarah Lewthwaite

Sarah Lewthwaite

Chief Client Officer, Movio

Tim Richards

Tim Richards

Founder & CEO, Vue International & Chair of BFI

Crispin Lilly

Crispin Lilly

CEO, Medi-Cinema

About this event

A video recording of this event is now available to watch online.

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[su_spoiler title=”Click here to book tickets for the video recording of this event” icon=”chevron” anchor=”video-tickets”]

The video recording of this event is now available to watch online. Use the booking form below to book tickets for the video recording. Once your booking is confirmed, we will send you a link & password that gives you access to watch the event.



This seminar provides 1.5 hours of professional CPD.

Venue: Vue Cinema, Leicester Square

Date: Wednesday 20th October 2021 from 9am – 10.30am.  

Tickets for the video recording are now available – click here

The cinema sector has been one of the most affected sectors during the COVID Pandemic. Forced closures, capacity limits and uncertainty over content releases and distribution have severely challenged the industry.

Now the sector is reopening with big blockbusters being released and government restrictions eased. Our seminar focuses on how the sector is recovering, how cinema-goers are responding and how key trends in the sector have been accelerated.

David Hancock from Omdia will give a presentation on key market statistics and global trends, followed by Sarah Lethwaite from Movio who will present on cinema consumer behaviour and trends. Movio specialise in tracking cinema customers and their behaviour.

Both David and Sarah will then be joined by Tim Richards, CEO of Vue and Crispin Lilley who runs MediCinema and was CEO of Everyman, to discuss and debate the industry and the current outlook.

This discussion panel will be chaired by Amanda Nevill, CBE who is a specialist advisor to the screen industries and was CEO of the British Film Institute.

The panel will have a discussion about key trends in the market, how cinema consumers are reacting, and what the future may hold for the industry. With 3 months of meaningful data since reopening in the UK, the session will give attendees data-driven analysis of the state of the sector.

Those attending in person can join a networking session immediately afterwards in the Vue Bar, adjacent to the theatre screen.

This event will also be available as a video recording after the event.

Vue Cinemas encourages visitors to wear masks, except when drinking or eating, This is a personal choice.
LPF Reception team will wear masks as a courtesy to our members.
We are booking at 50% capacity for this event.
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