TECH WEBINAR: The new Use Classes and how they Impact Leisure

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
TECH WEBINAR: The new Use Classes and how they Impact Leisure


Ashley Blake

Ashley Blake

CEO, Otium Real Estate & Chair of The LPF

Aaron Peate

Aaron Peate

Planning Director, WSP

Jade Chalmers

Jade Chalmers

Director of Planning, Howard Kennedy


Tuesday 22nd September 2020


9:15 am - 9:45 am

Access details

Online webinar - log in via Zoom

About this event

Date: 22nd September 2020 Time: 9.15am – access via Zoom invitation

The recent change to use classes has swept away the leisure uses of A3, A4, A5 and D2. This profoundly affects planning and legal documents for the leisure sector. Our next short technical webinar tackles the key issues.

The aim of this webinar is to bring investors, developers, operators and agents up to speed with what’s happened recently, and what the implications of the changes could be – both for them and their projects -from a planning and legal perspective.

We will be presenting two timely presentations and a Q&A, and are delighted to welcome our expert contributors:

Aaron Peate – Planning Director at WSP

Aaron has 16 years’ planning experience in the commercial and public sectors. He is a highly-effective project manager and can advise on development and environmental statements for retail, residential, sports and leisure, commercial and mixed-use schemes. His skills extend to cover the planning process in its entirety: from initial site appraisal and promotion of schemes, through to the Development Planning process and the preparation and submission of planning applications, appeal statements and proofs of evidence.

Jade Chalmers – Director of Planning at Howard Kennedy

Jade specialises in all planning matters for a wide range of residential and commercial property developers, leading house builders, housing associations property companies, investment funds, and high-net-worth individuals. Jade advises on complex s.106 agreements, planning applications, the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations, highway agreements, listed buildings and conservation areas, as well as, in the planning and environmental aspects of major property and corporate transactions.

The webinar will be held on Zoom which is free to users. You will be able to join our seminar here – – once you have registered and received the event details.

We would encourage you to participate both by submitting your questions beforehand, and by joining the event at 9.15am on the 22nd September 2020.

Please submit your questions in advance by 15th September 2020 via email –

The LPF is committed to its mission during the COVID-19 pandemic, and this virtual event is intended to meet our objectives to both inform and facilitate the sharing of vital information on your behalf.

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